The Voice of Women

“Women’s voices throughout history have often gone unheard.”
This podcast aims to support women, design a more inclusive future, and disrupt the gender gap.

The bite-size episodes will include groundbreaking stories, insights, ideas, tools, and interviews with women in leadership roles.

It’s time to listen to more voices, especially the voices of women, to create a more equal, just and better world.

Recent Episodes

The Voice of Women Podcast – Episode 1

The Resilience Women Forge In A Male Dominated Industry

The Voice of Women Podcast – Episode 2

Breaking the Mold: Blind Hiring

Episode 3 – Sorry-not-sorry

Episode 4 – Conscious Recruting

Episode 5 – Hepeating

Episode 6 – Feminist Fight Club – The Book

Episode 7 – Male Brain Vs Female Brain

Episode 8 – Productivity

Episode 9 – Why

Episode 10 – Smart Goals

Episode 11 – What is it with compliments and us Women

Episode 12 – Women History Month

Episode 13 – Power of Questions

Episode 14 – Locus Of Control

15 – The Resilience Women Forge In A Male Dominated Industry

Episode 16 – Mentorship Matters

Episode 17 – Burnout to Balanced

Meet The Hosts

Priya Kandula

Priya Kandula

CEO | CodeForce 360

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